  • A-Z West Coast Swing

Whether you are just starting out, our just want to lock down the basics of West Coast Swing, this intensive will cover everything you need to know from basic music count to whip variations. Doug and Elaine have been teaching beginner and intermediate WCS classes for years, introducing many to the wonders of the dance!

Sophy Kdep

  • Fancy Footwork

Hometown NASDE/WSDC Champion Sophy will cover the best footwork there is that can be used in all types of dances, including WCS. Kick-ball-change variations, Jazz-box, heal-digs, grape-vines, moon-walk, apple-jacks, and more! Then she will show you how and when to insert them into your dancing based on the music. Learn how to build a routine of just footwork to your favorite song so you can practice whenever you want and get it locked down! Learn the secrets of how the pros look so great on the dance floor from the best of the best!

Ronnie and Cindy Mullins

  • Two-Step

Ronnie and Cindy are the 2024 reigning UCWDC World Champions – Couples Classic Crown Plus, and have been competing for decades at the highest level. They will be teaching proper two-step technique at the intermediate-advanced level. They will be covering all aspects of the dance from syncopated footwork to arm styling.

  • Footwork and timing
  • Turn Techniques
  • Arm Styling
  • Leader/follower jobs
  • Hot Patterns!

Abi Schneider and Geoff Newell

  • Winning Routines

A good practice routine will step up your dance game tremendously! Practicing a handful of awesome moves, styling and basic footwork in the form of a routine will be the greatest advance you will ever see in your dancing. You won’t have think about what to lead or how to react, it will be come second nature! Abi and Geoff will be demonstrating the techniques and tips they used to get to the top in today’s competitive dance world. They explain the choreography theory behind their incredible success.


  • Advanced WCS